Project Summary


Safety Management


Project Description

RAM was awarded a two-phased contract to support WorkSafe BC with the prequalification of hired contractors and service providers.

RAM’s Role

RAM has been entrusted with a critical, multi-phased role in developing and managing WorkSafe BC’s Contractor Prequalification process over the next three years. Our responsibilities, which include creating the foundational system and ensuring its seamless implementation and ongoing management, will proceed in phases as follows:

Phase 1: Evaluation of Prequalification Process

RAM partnered with WorkSafe BC to develop a streamlined prequalification process that ensures all hired contractors meet strict occupational health and safety (OHS) standards. Key elements of this process include:

  • Developing a prequalification process, process flow charts to highlight prequalification responsibilities, and corresponding forms to obtain and assess prequalification submissions
  • Creating a comprehensive prequalification package that clearly outlines OHS expectations
  • Piloting the new prequalification process to ensure a smooth transition for WorkSafe BC and its hired contractors
Phase 2: Ongoing Prequalification Support

In the ongoing management phase, RAM plays a vital role in maintaining the integrity of WorkSafe BC’s Contractor Prequalification process by:

  • Distributing prequalification packages to contractors and service providers
  • Collecting contractor prequalification submissions
  • Rigorously assessing contractor submissions to ensure they align with the high standards developed collaboratively by RAM and WorkSafe BC