RAM’s Guiding Safety Principles
RAM has updated its new Guiding Safety Principles to better suit our growing company. Taking the first letter from each word, the principles spell RAM CARES.
R – Respect
RAM prides itself on a safety culture built on respect. All HSE issues are handled with the utmost care, diligence, privacy and respect for the reporting or involved parties.
A – Accountability
At RAM, accountability means more than just doing our job. It includes an obligation to make things safer, to pursue HSE excellence, and to do things in ways that further the HSE goals of our organization. Our commitment to safety begins at the highest levels of the company. At RAM we understand that effective leadership and teamwork from all lines of business is imperative to a successful safety program.
M –Management of Change
RAM is a rapidly growing company, we understand the importance of maintaining awareness to ensure that safety, health and environmental risks are identified and controlled as we continue to build our team of talented professionals.
C – Conduct
At RAM, our conduct defines who we are. Whether we are at the office, or at a project site; safety is our top priority and we ensure we are following all safety policies, rules and requirements.
A – Advancement
RAM is committed to maintaining a proactive approach to the development and maintenance of our safety program and culture. RAM strives to make continuous advances in industry best practices for safety.
R – Reporting
At RAM, all accidents, incidents, near misses, and unsafe conditions will be reported to the appropriate party in a timely matter. Corrective actions will be created to avoid reoccurrence or prevent further illness, injury or damage.
E – Environmental Stewardship
RAM is committed to protecting the environment by reducing its operational footprint and delivering efficient and sustainable services.
S – Support
RAM supports and empowers their employees to embrace safety as a core value by providing resources for yearly safety training, task specific training, involving employees in the creation of policies and procedures, and encouraging all to take part in the Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee.
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