RAM Signs Minerva’s Pledge to Support Progress Towards Diversity
We are excited to announce that RAM has signed the Minerva BC Diversity Pledge, a public commitment to achieve gender parity in the workplace. As business leaders in British Columbia we are committed to the principles of diversity in all facets of our organizations. We recognize that while much has been said, too little has been done to make the presence of women in leadership a reality in business and industry. Therefore, we pledge to act individually, on behalf of our company, together with others in our supply chain, and in partnership with The Minerva Foundation, to create opportunities that support women’s advancement and leadership in our organizations and in our communities. We recognize that words without action will not change the face of leadership and thus, where consistent with our fiduciary responsibilities, we support this statement of commitment.

About Minerva
Founded in 1999, the Minerva Foundation are a charitable organization that elevates the visibility, influence and contribution of women in British Columbia. We deliver leadership development programs for girls and women, and work with organizations to address systemic and workplace barriers that impede the advancement and equality of women. You can learn more about Minerva BC’s impact here.
At RAM, we are dedicated to addressing the need for more women to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Over the past decade, the number of women in the engineering profession in Canada has steadily grown. Despite this increase in the representation of women in engineering – both within the profession and in university engineering programs – women are still under-represented in this field. RAM is committed to increasing the representation of women in the profession so that it is more diverse and inclusive.
Interested in learning more about RAM’s Women-in-Engineering initiative? Head over to our careers page.